In 2010 verbrak Insomniac Games zijn deal met PlayStation en bracht het geflopte Fuse uit met EA Games. Daarna in 2014 kwam Sunset Overdrive in samenwerking met Microsoft en daarna nog wat kleinere games, zoals Edge of Nowhere voor de Oculus Rift en Song of the Deep. Insomniac was echter zo aan de werkwijze van Sony gewend, dat het samenwerken met andere studio’s moeizaam ging. Ted Price legt uit:
“I think the most stressful period was when we had moved away from working with Sony, and we were getting comfortable with working with other partners who had completely different approaches than we did. I think we had become so compatible with Sony in terms of our approach and philosophies, that it was a little bit of a shock, and took some adjusting to work with other our approach and philosophies. It took some adjusting to work with other publishers, and that can be distracting, when you’re trying to get games out the door.”
Uiteindelijk kwam Insomniac Games in 2019 weer bij Sony op z’n pootjes terecht, al is het vanaf nu dus zonder Ted Price.